George Gordon Law Hour and Editorial Review
Radio Archives

Note: There are no recent programs in the radio archives, as George has been recording "Storytime" this past year. Click on this link: [Link: Storytime] to listen to them. More will be posted as soon as possible. You can also subscribe to George's Youtube account, so you will be notified when more videos are posted.

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DateProgram TitleSubtitleShowPartMP3 StreamMP3 DownloadSPX Download
2007-08-01Baby BoomersHere's the money problem for boomer retirement in a nutshell: hyperinflation2473PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-31Baby BoomersSocial Security is a monumental rip off2472PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-30Baby BoomersRetirement prospects for the baby boomer generation2471PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-29EducationHome school is the best education and the best teacher for your child is you.2467PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-28EducationWhat is wrong with public education?2466PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-27EducationSocialization of children in public school vs. home school2465PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-26EducationThe Japanese could not find a single atribute in America's public schools worth implementing in Japanese schools.2464PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-25EducationWe spend $7,000.00 a year to educate a child in public school and US children rank last in international tests.2463PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-24EducationThe teacher is as dumb as the student2462PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-23EducationPublic education is broke and we have 3 choices2461PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-22Codex MagicaThe creator of the universe has this to say about the occult, magic, witches and witchcraft.2457PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-21Codex MagicaThe all-seeing eye2456PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-20Codex MagicaCross my heart and hope to die - The mysterious X factor in the occult2455PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-19Codex MagicaHere is how you can identify members of the Elite - the illuminati2454PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-18Codex MagicaWhy do the Elitists do what they do and act the way they act?2453PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-17Codex MagicaWhat is it that the Illuminists are trying to accomplish?2452PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-16Codex MagicaSecrets of the illuminati2451PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-15Capital PunishmentIs the death penalty rigged by racism?2447PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-14Capital PunishmentShould we televise executions on T.V.?2446PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-13Capital PunishmentShould technicalities in the rules be bent?2445PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-12Capital PunishmentDo death row inmates deserve a lawyers aid?2444PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-07-11Capital PunishmentWanted - Experienced hangman for part time employment in Washington state2443PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
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