George Gordon Law Hour and Editorial Review
Radio Archives

Note: There are no recent programs in the radio archives, as George has been recording "Storytime" this past year. Click on this link: [Link: Storytime] to listen to them. More will be posted as soon as possible. You can also subscribe to George's Youtube account, so you will be notified when more videos are posted.

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DateProgram TitleSubtitleShowPartMP3 StreamMP3 DownloadSPX Download
2007-10-11Bridging the GulfThe Numbers just don't add up.2571PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-10-10Design in Living ThingsSymbiotic relationships prove intelligent design2561PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-10-09Intermediate SpeciesWoodpeckers are the same today as they were in the fossil record.2551PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-10-08The Fossil RecordThere are no intermediate species, period.2541PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-10-07Our Awesome UniverseWe have been lied to by our astronomers2531PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-29A Silence that ScreamsBible Prophecy is the # 1 Proof of history2527PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-28A Silence that ScreamsIvan Panin's Bible numerics2526PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-27A Silence that ScreamsArchaeology and Ivan Panin Prove the Bible2525PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-26A Silence that ScreamsHistory is a series of controlled lies2524PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-25A Silence that ScreamsThe Josephus Story2523PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-24A Silence that ScreamsAn argument made from ignorance2522PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-23A Silence that ScreamsThe Bible on Trial2521PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-22101 Business Principles89-101 of 101 Business Principles2517PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-21101 Business Principles81-88 of 101 Business Principles2516PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-20101 Business Principles65-80 of 101 Business Principles2515PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-19101 Business Principles47-64 of 101 Business Principles2514PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-18101 Business Principles26-46 of 101 Business Principles2513PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-17101 Business Principles12-25 of 101 Business Principles2512PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-16101 Business Principles1-11 of 101 Business Principles2511PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-15Food Apocalypse, GMO's1) Terminator technology 2) The politics of Biotechnology2507PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-14Food Apocalypse, GMO's1) Let's destroy their market share 2) GMO foods carry the Kosher label!2506PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-09-13Food Apocalypse, GMO's1) Frankenstein returns 2) Can we avoid GMO foods? 3) StarLink(c) corn cause sterility in pigs2505PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
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