George Gordon Law Hour and Editorial Review
Radio Archives

Note: There are no recent programs in the radio archives, as George has been recording "Storytime" this past year. Click on this link: [Link: Storytime] to listen to them. More will be posted as soon as possible. You can also subscribe to George's Youtube account, so you will be notified when more videos are posted.

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DateProgram TitleSubtitleShowPartMP3 StreamMP3 DownloadSPX Download
2007-11-25Hell's KitchenWe have lost 90% of the nutritive value of our food in 90 years2711PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-24Radiation PoisoningIndustry's actions to hide the truth about microwaves2707PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-23Radiation PoisoningHow to lessen your exposure to EMF radiation2706PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-22Radiation PoisoningMicrowave ovens are a great source of bad health2705PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-21Radiation PoisoningLimits to growth2704PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-19Radiation PoisoningElectromagnetic radiation is killing the bees2702PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-18Radiation PoisoningMicrowave radiation and cateracts2701PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-17The SabbathQuotations from 20th century catholic and protestant authorities on the sabbath2697PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-16The SabbathThe land sabbath and jubilee in addition to the 7 annual sabbaths2696PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-15The SabbathThe 7 annual sabbaths2695PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-14The SabbathWhich day of the week does the sabbath fall?2694PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-13The SabbathIs the sabbath Jewish?2693PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-12The SabbathSeven things to do to keep the sabbath.2692PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-11The SabbathWhat is the sabbath?2691PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-10Dead Men's SecretsAstronomy as it was in Ancient Times2687PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-09Dead Men's SecretsNuclear Blast Sites Found in 25 Sites Around the Ancient World2686PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-08Dead Men's SecretsAdvanced Metallurgy in the Ancient Past2685PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-07Dead Men's SecretsAirplanes and Mechanical Devices from Ancient Times2684PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-06Dead Men's SecretsArt, Medicine and Electricity B.C.2683PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-05Dead Men's SecretsGlass and Microscopes B.C.2682PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-04Dead Men's Secrets2681PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2007-11-03PrivacyBrainwashing and your privacy2677PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
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