2007-11-25 | Hell's Kitchen | We have lost 90% of the nutritive value of our food in 90 years | 271 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-24 | Radiation Poisoning | Industry's actions to hide the truth about microwaves | 270 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-23 | Radiation Poisoning | How to lessen your exposure to EMF radiation | 270 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-22 | Radiation Poisoning | Microwave ovens are a great source of bad health | 270 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-21 | Radiation Poisoning | Limits to growth | 270 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-19 | Radiation Poisoning | Electromagnetic radiation is killing the bees | 270 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-18 | Radiation Poisoning | Microwave radiation and cateracts | 270 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-17 | The Sabbath | Quotations from 20th century catholic and protestant authorities on the sabbath | 269 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-16 | The Sabbath | The land sabbath and jubilee in addition to the 7 annual sabbaths | 269 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-15 | The Sabbath | The 7 annual sabbaths | 269 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-14 | The Sabbath | Which day of the week does the sabbath fall? | 269 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-13 | The Sabbath | Is the sabbath Jewish? | 269 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-12 | The Sabbath | Seven things to do to keep the sabbath. | 269 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-11 | The Sabbath | What is the sabbath? | 269 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-10 | Dead Men's Secrets | Astronomy as it was in Ancient Times | 268 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-09 | Dead Men's Secrets | Nuclear Blast Sites Found in 25 Sites Around the Ancient World | 268 | 6 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-08 | Dead Men's Secrets | Advanced Metallurgy in the Ancient Past | 268 | 5 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-07 | Dead Men's Secrets | Airplanes and Mechanical Devices from Ancient Times | 268 | 4 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-06 | Dead Men's Secrets | Art, Medicine and Electricity B.C. | 268 | 3 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-05 | Dead Men's Secrets | Glass and Microscopes B.C. | 268 | 2 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-04 | Dead Men's Secrets | | 268 | 1 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed
2007-11-03 | Privacy | Brainwashing and your privacy | 267 | 7 | Play | Dial-up | Broadband | Time-compressed