George Gordon Law Hour and Editorial Review
Radio Archives

Note: There are no recent programs in the radio archives, as George has been recording "Storytime" this past year. Click on this link: [Link: Storytime] to listen to them. More will be posted as soon as possible. You can also subscribe to George's Youtube account, so you will be notified when more videos are posted.

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DateProgram TitleSubtitleShowPartMP3 StreamMP3 DownloadSPX Download
2008-04-05EnergySolar power2897PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-04-04EnergyGeothermal energy2896PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-04-02EnergyCoal as an energy source2894PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-04-01EnergyPrepare to reap the results of our energy policy2893PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-31EnergyNuclear power2892PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-30EnergyPeak oil is coming in 366 years2891PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-29Global WarmingThe fallacies of global warming2887PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-28Global WarmingConsensus about global warming is a lie2886PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-27Global Warming800-1300 AD was a global warming period2885PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-26Global WarmingThe scientific literature says global warming is a fraud2884PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-25Global WarmingThe little ice age2883PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-24Global Warming5 good reasons why global warming is not due to man made carbon dioxide2882PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-23Global Warming25 reasons that global warming is a fraud2881PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-22Raw Milk UpdateThe law on blood, fat, butter and milk from the Bible2877PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-21Raw Milk UpdateHere's what dirty milk really means2876PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-20Raw Milk UpdateGovernment bias against raw milk2875PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-19Raw Milk UpdateThe law behind the raw milk2874PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-18Raw Milk UpdateGo to and AcresUSA.com2873PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-17Raw Milk UpdateThe health benefits of raw milk2872PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-16Raw Milk UpdateStates are cracking down on raw milk producers2871PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
2008-03-15EasterThe crucifixion was not on Friday2867PlayDial-upBroadbandTime-compressed
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